The Saga

Chris Vialpando, Creator

Chris Vialpando, Creator -CLICK HERE for Space Needle Artist Bio

Thanks for stopping by. Here’s the story…

Originating from a considerable number of consumer requests, we were inquired by the world-famous Seattle Space Needle to create a modern, uniquely attractive -yet functional lamp modeled after the legendary tower and still make it accessible to the public. Based in Seattle, Vortex Concepts has been creating and supporting local underground art, furniture design, and clothing products for over 9 years. When researching the competition, we found that not many successful Space Needle lamp iterations were made and we believe most of that is for the simple fact that it’s extremely difficult to execute cost effectively, -especially on a scalable level. Still, we accepted the challenge and went to work- sketch after sketch, trial after trial, until we ultimately perfected the FIRST EVER Original Space Needle Lamp. And since both Vortex Concepts and Space Needle LLC are committed to quality, innovation, and excellence, -we knew anything less than amazing simply wouldn’t do. And like most things worthwhile, it was a bumpy road and took countless hours of intense contemplation, calculation, and good old fashioned ‘work’. Your support makes it all worth it. ♣

WHERE IT ALL STARTS.  First draft sketch by Creator and Vortex Concepts Founder, Chris Vialpando

WHERE IT ALL STARTS. First draft sketch

Established in 2019, our flagship lamp design was set to release late 2020. But due to Covid our fabrication company was forced to close, and as a result, most of our original design schematics were lost-which meant we had no choice but to essentially start the entire project all over again.  So in typical Seattleite fashion, we dug our heels in and did what we had to do to get the job done, -and yet ironically gave us the opportunity to surpass the original design altogether.

FIRST DIGITAL RENDERING.  CAD design by Vortex Concepts Jr Designer, Jeffrey Chantler

FIRST DIGITAL RENDERING. CAD design by Vortex Concepts Jr Designer, Jeffrey Chantler

Over a year of research and development has been invested into this timeless piece to ensure that it will not only turn heads and start conversations, but also provide beautiful, warm illumination beyond your ordinary light fixture... while mimicking and respecting the meticulous architectural design elements of the Space Needle itself.

MINIMAL DOES NOT EQUAL SIMPLE.  Although sleek in design, The Original™ is in no way “simple”. (Courtesy Fremont Laser)

MINIMAL DOES NOT EQUAL SIMPLE. Although sleek in design, The Original™ is in no way “simple”. (Courtesy Fremont Laser)

It has been quite the journey from concept to creation. Finally, the Original Space Needle Lamp is ready to light up your world.

It is truly an honor to share a piece of our passion with you.